Cutting-edge innovation since 1977​


For over 40 years, Elleduesse Contrafforti has produced high-quality footwear parts, distinguished by its precision and impeccable service.


For over 40 years, Elleduesse Contrafforti has produced high-quality footwear parts, distinguished by its precision and impeccable service.


We continuously invest in research into innovative materials and technology.
The professionalism and skill of our experts is then supported and enhanced by next-generation machine.


We continuously invest in research into innovative materials and technology.
The professionalism and skill of our experts is then supported and enhanced by next-generation machine.


We're very active in researching and using sustainable technology, from materials to manufacturing processes.


We're very active in researching and using sustainable technology, from materials to manufacturing processes.

Elleduesse contrafforti Srl - REA Milano n. 0958550 - Iscriz. Reg. Impr. Milano n. 03513590152
Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA it 03513590152 - n. Mecc. mi 053690 - Capitale Sociale € 90.000,00 Interamente Versato

Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy

Website developed by Chiara Carovelli, Eleonora Dussin, Beatrice Ferrari

Elleduesse contrafforti Srl - REA Milano n. 0958550 -
Iscriz. Reg. Impr. Milano n. 03513590152
Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA it 03513590152 -
n. Mecc. mi 053690 -
Capitale Sociale € 90.000,00 Interamente Versato

Policy Privacy | Cookie Policy

Website developed by
Chiara Carovelli, Eleonora Dussin, Beatrice Ferrari