Insoles for
pointed toe boxes

Inspired by the needs of famous fine footwear designers, we have created a highly-performing product with exceptional qualities, designed specifically for slender, very pointed shapes and for all shoes that require a very thin, very elastic insole.
Thanks to its exceptional characteristics, this insole provides the base of the shoe with extra elasticity while remaining ultra-thin and, when paired with foam and a reinforced toe box, it ensures advanced rigidity that it will help prevent warping over time. All this wouldn’t be possible without SQN from Kiefer von Zoe®.

Elleduesse contrafforti Srl - REA Milano n. 0958550 - Iscriz. Reg. Impr. Milano n. 03513590152
Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA it 03513590152 - n. Mecc. mi 053690 - Capitale Sociale € 90.000,00 Interamente Versato

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Website developed by Chiara Carovelli, Eleonora Dussin, Beatrice Ferrari

Elleduesse contrafforti Srl - REA Milano n. 0958550 -
Iscriz. Reg. Impr. Milano n. 03513590152
Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA it 03513590152 -
n. Mecc. mi 053690 -
Capitale Sociale € 90.000,00 Interamente Versato

Policy Privacy | Cookie Policy

Website developed by
Chiara Carovelli, Eleonora Dussin, Beatrice Ferrari