

Elleduesse Contrafforti was founded in 1975 as a supplier for a company near Parabiago, outside Milan, an area known for its footwear industry.


The company branched out on its own and began to focus on high-quality footwear. From the start, Elleduesse was rewarded for this choice and for its precision, timely responses and willingness to truly collaborate with clients whenever hurdles arose.


Demand increased, requiring the transfer of operations to a larger factory.


Elleduesse started manufacturing assembly insoles, staying true to its strict quality standards, and began focusing on the production of high heels and imaginative footwear shapes, relying on avant-garde machinery and specialized technicians. The company has collaborated with important Italian and international haute couture maisons, becoming a name known and respected by the world’s greatest stylists, designers and footwear brands.


We currently offer a wide range of products: insoles, heel counters, toe boxes, reinforcement tape or made to measure reinforcements, thermoplastic adhesives and various accessories.

Since the day it was founded, Elleduesse has invested in research on innovative, sustainable materials and technologies, and has worked to improve the manufacturing process: our skilled experts are aided by next-generation machinery and our R&D department never stops striving for innovation.

This continuous quest for excellence has made Elleduesse a point of reference in the industry, today led by the second generation of the founding families.

Elleduesse contrafforti Srl - REA Milano n. 0958550 - Iscriz. Reg. Impr. Milano n. 03513590152
Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA it 03513590152 - n. Mecc. mi 053690 - Capitale Sociale € 90.000,00 Interamente Versato

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Website developed by Chiara Carovelli, Eleonora Dussin, Beatrice Ferrari

Elleduesse contrafforti Srl - REA Milano n. 0958550 -
Iscriz. Reg. Impr. Milano n. 03513590152
Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA it 03513590152 -
n. Mecc. mi 053690 -
Capitale Sociale € 90.000,00 Interamente Versato

Policy Privacy | Cookie Policy

Website developed by
Chiara Carovelli, Eleonora Dussin, Beatrice Ferrari